Land of My Soil (2014)

Duration: 20-minutes

Presented at the 20th dance Immersion anniversary programming, celebrating our man in dance.

Victimhood is a kind of mass delusion that has taken hold of previously, responsible sector of our culture. We must not negate practice for the sake of theory but the unity of both. 

Let me worship my Lord (2011)


Mentor: Danny Grossman
Performer: Mafa Makhubalo

Dance is a journey from one stage, the earthy/ physical, to another, the spiritual/ celestial. Its aim of worship is to achieve a communion with a powerful but intangible force. Dance serves to bridge the chasm between this world and the

other, between the deity and its worshipers. It becomes the anchor point between a high point of human creative perception and the sacred.


Duration: 4 minutes

Choreographer: Mafa Makhubalo
Mentor: Danny Grossman
Performer: Sania 
Style of repertoire: African- Contemporary
Music: mixed artists

This work was a part of the 2010 emerging choreographers workshop presented by the Ballet Jorgen Canada.

Being able to speak my language gives me the freedom to create, and construct, wonder and venture. In order to understand the meaning of dialogical practise, we have to put aside the simplistic understanding of dialogue as a mere technique.

Dialogue does not represent a somewhat false path that I attempt to elaborate on and realize in the sense of involving the ingenuity of the other.

On the contrary, dialogue characterizes an epistemological relationship. I engage in a dialogue not because I like the person. I engage in dialogue because I recognize the social and not merely the individual character of the process of knowing.

Dialogue presents itself as an indispensable component of the process of both learning and knowing. We must not negate practice for the sake of theory but the unity of both. Victimhood is a kind of mass delusion that has taken hold of a previously responsible sector of our culture. 

Let’s all be involved in the awareness and understanding of Autism. 

Africa Unites Me (2008)

Mentor: Debbie Wilson
Presented: Guest with OMO Dance Company - 2009 Community Access Program and Dance Ontario Dance Weekend, Fleck Dance Theatre
Performers: Lua Shayanne, Roshanak Jaberi, Mafa Makhubalo

The journey begins with an interrupted childhood and the story takes shape as we travel through the emotional struggles that result from extreme violence and finally the desire to heal from the past and the quest for inner peace.

Rites of Passage (2007)

Presented: Dance Ontario Dance Weekend, Fleck Dance Theatre
Performers: Lua Shayanne, Roshanak Jaberi, Mafa Makhubalo

If you want to get to where you want to go, you first have to leave where you are.


Soldiers Child (2012) / inspire change take action (2014)